Description for our service
Floating hoses can represent a significant expense for operators, as the rubber, internal surfaces and flange faces can often be damaged due to impact damage and corrosion. If damage is not addressed at an early stage it can lead to loss of buoyancy and ultimately catastrophic fuel/oil spillage with potentially costly implications including
Failure or damage to any part of a floating hose which is not addressed at an early stage may cause oil/fuel spillages which can cause serious damage to the environment and therefore end in financial consequences.
A Leading technology of the world – Made in Germany MetaLine a new dimension in repair technology after 50 years of brush-applied epoxy-ceramic. Proven & Approved cartridge spray elastomeric coating technology offering long term protection against erosion, corrosion, cavitation and wear problems. The concept of combining the efficiency & performance of vulcanized rubber coating with the simple processing of epoxy-ceramics for extreme lifetime improvements in combination of latest cartridge spray technology.
Proven liquid repair rubber coating to reduce cost and time.
We are offering internationally tried, tested and approved technology for: